16714 Smokey Point Blvd

Arlington, WA

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What Types of Conditions Can Your Arlington Chiropractor Relieve?

Most people are aware of the fact that going to an Arlington chiropractor can help ease their back and neck pain. However, did you know that regular spinal manipulations can also often relieve other types of health conditions and injuries as well? Here are just a few of them:

Headaches and Migraines. If you suffer from a lot of headaches or migraines, it is possible that your Arlington chiropractor can lessen both their duration and rate of occurrence, potentially eliminating them completely. A lot of head pain starts due to issues in the neck, making this area key to identifying and resolving the problem.

Hip and Joint Pain. Experiencing regular and repeated tenderness in your hip and joint areas can greatly reduce your quality of life. With a combination of exercise therapy and chiropractic care, your mobility can be increased and your pain decreased, thereby improving your day-to-day life.

Knee and Leg Pain. It isn’t uncommon to suffer from knee and leg pain if you have sustained a sports injury, are overweight, or have sciatic nerve damage. Your Arlington chiropractor can help ease your discomfort from all of these with regular manipulations.

Vertigo and Dizziness. When you have been involved in an accident that causes injury to your neck, it isn’t out of the ordinary to have vertigo, or dizziness. That is why it is important to see your Arlington chiropractor immediately, helping to relieve these types of symptoms before they get worse.

Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia can be a debilitating disease, but regular chiropractic visits can help ease the pain. Dr. Ernst can also provide additional advice as to what you can do at home if you have fibromyalgia, providing you even greater relief.

Regular care with your Arlington chiropractor can remedy a number of conditions. Call Dr. Ernst at Ernst Chiropractic Clinic today and see what he can do for you!

September 23, 2014
dr ernst
Dr. Ernst

Arlington Chiropractor, Dr. Loren Ernst explains, “Chiropractic care, combined with sound nutritional choices and adequate exercise can have a profound effect on patients’ lives. Our mission is to help our patients understand how a healthy nervous system can improve their quality of life and give them their lives back.”