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Chiropractic Best Treatment Option for Chronic Lower Back Pain

Study Finds that a Visit to Your Arlington Chiropractor May Be the Best Treatment Option for Chronic Lower Back Pain

Do you have chronic lower back pain that is affecting your quality of life? Would you like to relieve the pain as non-invasively as possible, keeping yourself out of the hospital surgery room if you can? If so, a study published in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine suggests that your Arlington chiropractor can help you make this dream a reality.

In this study, a group of researchers looked at 205 patients who suffered from chronic lower back pain. The participants ranged in age from 44 to 72 years old, and 65 were men whereas 140 were women. Each person was assigned to one of three different treatment groups—spinal manipulation (chiropractic), individual physiotherapy, or back school—with a goal to see which one provided the most relief.

What they found was that spinal manipulation provided the “highest functional improvement and lowest non-response rate” of all three of the treatment options. Put simply, engaging in regular chiropractic care resulted in more positive effects than individual physiotherapy or back school. This was true even when they took into consideration other variables, such as the age of the individual, how long they’ve endured chronic lower back pain, and more.

Therefore, if you want to have the best possible outcome for dealing with your chronic lower back pain, call (360) 659-8464 today and make an appointment with Dr. Ernst. He is your Arlington chiropractor committed to offering you the most effective non-invasive low back solution possible!


Cecchi F, et al. Predictors of functional outcome in patients with chronic low back pain undergoing back school, individual physiotherapy or spinal manipulation. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2012; 48: 371-8.

July 25, 2023